February 4, 2011

Class tools games

I have created a class tool games for my students. Here are links I hope it works.One is for dustbin house vocabulary and the other for 5 different tourism vocabulary games

House vocabulary

Tourism vocabulary activities

Another classtool made for my son age 7  http://classtools.net/widgets/dustbin_5/JjK0w.htm


  1. Great games, but I can't understand some of them, really hard for right now,


  2. Hi Marijana,
    do you teach Tourism students? What age are they?

  3. Hi Larrisa, these games are just made for the purpose of the course, When you have time try to play them, I find shooting also difficult, but I hope my students will like them. Some said it was difficult to them but I havent got the whole feedback yet!

  4. Hi Anisoara, yes I teach at a Secondary Vocational school for Hotel and Tourism. My students are from 14-18 of age. In the first two years of their highschool education they learn general english but later more ESP english in this case Tourism. For the moment I am using a course book that was prescribed or regulated by our Ministery of Eduacation. It's Tourism 2 by OUP. There is also a good book by a CRoatian publisher that I combine, and of course try to find materials on the INternet but it's sometimes difficult. What students do you teach?

  5. Hi Marijana ,
    What a slow learner I am ! I l just played one of your amazing vocabulary games and hardly finished it in due time !:-) I hope you'd be able to embed these games in your blog so as to make it more attractive .
    Good luck

  6. To embed, still don't know how to do it! Hope to learn it soon!
