September 20, 2013

#RSCON4 - what, where, why?

If you still haven't heard of one of the best free online conferences then it's time for you to know:

One of the best online conferences I have ever attended so far will be held for the 4th time from October 11th - 13th and it will be opened almost 24 hours a day. Depending on where you are in the world you will be able to participate in so many wonderful presentations and keynotes. Have the opportunity to listen to educators from all over the world who will share their ideas, their passion towards teaching and technology.

The conference seeks to present ideas, examples, and projects that exemplify transformative learning, instructional practices, professional development and leadership practices worldwide. Our presenters represent students, teachers, trainers, and education leadership worldwide who inspire and transform with their passion and innovation."
                                                        (Quote taken from the official RSCON4 website)
So, if you want to be inspired, you mustn't miss this Annual Online Event.

I, myself will have a small role this year as well,  with my topic:
Student-Teacher-Facebook, Yes or No?

I feel so excited! For me this is great honor to be among so many great educators! WOW!

If you are still thinking about it, then you definitelly need to read my older blog post The Funny side of  the world of #RSCON3

See you there!

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